The United Kingdom leaving the European Union will impact citizens and economic stakeholders.
Businesses, get prepared for Brexit
In case of withdrawal without agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the border between France and the United Kingdom will be restored. Therefore, you will have to carry out customs formalities at import and export (documentary controls, controls of goods, payment of duties and taxes).
French Customs and its partners have anticipated those formalities and controls in order to ensure the continuity and fluidity of trade between France and the United Kingdom. Now, you also have to anticipate the end of the free movement of goods. The control of your delivery delays, your costs, your international competitiveness depend on your preparation
Inform yourself and ask questions:
- Throughout dedicated adresses:
- a customs unique contact point:
- a unique contact for the Directorate general for Entreprises:
- French customs call centre (Infos Douane Services, IDS): +33172407850.
- During information meetings organised all around France with customs experts:
- find here the calendar : agenda of the customs-business meetings.
Carry out your impact assessment. French services including French Customs can help you.
Ask questions to the Customs Business Consulting Unit.
Exchange with your instructing participants
Carriers, forwarders, clients, suppliers, subcontractors, etc., and make sure to exchange all necessary information.
Subscribe on
You only need your personal details and your SIRET number.
Get your EORI number online on
- using "SOPRANO-AS".
Keep the control on your customs formalities and read the French Customs guidelines to get prepared to Brexit.